Welcome beloveds,
Ayla here to warmly welcome you.
I am an ordained priestess and initiated Tantrika. I serve as a sacred sexuality guide and have been studying sexual artistry for 7 years through the lense of temple arts and tantra.
I am here as an embodied muse and guide to serve you at the highest levels of curiosity and integrated wisdom. I invite you to the altar of your own devotion, here we come to worship.
welcome home to your body.
My work:
As a trauma and pleasure informed guide we will create an immaculate container that provides the safety required in order to open into the depths of all the layers.
Supporting you to work through subconscious blocks and beliefs, clearing ancestral trauma, breaking karmic vows, contracts, and binds. As we shed and decompose weight and baggage that we no longer need to hold on to and carry we welcome in a clearer, more embodied, more alivened way of connecting to life. This can be deep and challenging which is why I love to invite in the aspect of play, curiosity, and pleasure.