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What's included:

This 3 month container includes :

  • 4 Live zoom call sessions.

  • Access to Ayla through a private chat throughout the container for extra support.

  • journal prompts, and practices to integrate throughout the journey.

  • Extra content & special curated sensual playlists.


3 month container price

$3,300 or

$1,200 per month

3 month online container

3 month online container

Ayla only takes a few soul aligned clients for this 3 month devotional container at a time because she is committed to the potency of intimacy. Ayla is a passionate leader in the realm of Tantric teachings that include sexual artistry, intimacy with the divine, and primal erotic embodiment. These modalities are all just ways to connect back home to your true self and live a more embodied love and joy filled life.


 The biggest flex is keeping an open heart. This is not easy yet an artistry that can be practiced. An open heart opens doors to the opportunity life wants to gift us. We do this through devotional discipline, we come to the altar of self to become the best version in all aspects of life. Tantra teaches us how to invite all of our self back home, whole, and holy. This gives us an opportunity to create allies with our shadow and darkness and receive the wisdom and gems from all aspect of self. With this foundational principle we will learn different ways to enter into the subconscious and rewrite stories, patterns, and beliefs that are subconsciously running on shame judgment or resentment. We do this through different modalities such as Theta healing, meditation, visualization, breathe work, movement, and somatic expression. Essential we move our process through the body instead of holding onto, or storing, we practice inviting it into physical form and letting it go. We work with the technology of our body to become the best version of ourselves.


This container is created for you to come into alignment with yourself.

Will you join me?






package online attunement sessions

These single sessions are tantric attunements for those seeking support every once in awhile but not available to commit to a bigger container. They will range around 2 hours and are a potent reset if you are seeking support moving through a process for clearing and restoration.

Tier 1

Package of 2 sessions 


First session ~ Tantric teachings and healing subconscious blocks and beliefs.

Second session~ Guided pleasure practice through divine connection.


Tier 2

Package of 3 sessions


First session ~ Tantric teachings and healing subconscious blocks and beliefs.

Second session~ Guided pleasure practice through divine connection.

Third session~ Integration. Merging the sacred into the mundane.



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